I've read the 6th chapter of John several times in the last couple of months. I was intrigued looking at the details of the storm: the events leading up to it, the sequence of events that took place during and after the storm, the possible thoughts and conversations by the disciples during and after it, the parallels of this actual storm to the figurative storms in our lives, and the lessons and truths linked to it.
After breaking down this storm in John 6, I was inspired to look at other storms in the New Testament as well. It was interesting to see the differences and similarities among three different storms in Matthew 14, Luke 8 and John 6.
The following is semi-unfiltered. I have gone through it several times to try and make the sentences read more clearly (though I don't know how well that was done compared to the intent of doing so). I say unfiltered because the thoughts that these passages made me think of have also been written down. I call it "thinking out loud". As thoughts were written about these storms, it sparked other thoughts and ponderings about the path of following Jesus.
Knowing then these storm passages led to thoughts, and those thoughts led to other ponderings, it is hoped the following is not too badly in disorganized disarray. Anything fruitful, encouraging or sound in the following is from the Holy Spirit. Any chaff is from me. I am continually being pruned by God, and welcome further spiritual maturity where thoughts and writings will contain less and less chaff. "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30)
1) storm in Matthew 14:22-34
"Then He directed the disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent away the crowds.
And after He had dismissed the multitudes, He went up into the hills by Himself to pray. When it was evening, He was still there alone. But the boat was by this time out on the sea, many furlongs [a furlong is one-eighth of a mile] distant from the land, beaten and tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. And in the fourth watch [between 3:00--6:00 a.m.] of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, It is a ghost! And they screamed out with fright. But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I AM! Stop being afraid! And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus. But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat knelt and worshiped Him, saying, Truly You are the Son of God! And when they had crossed over to the other side, they went ashore at Gennesaret." (Amplified Bible)
• Jesus told his disciples to leave in the boat without Him
• a storm rose up on the disciples as they journeyed in the boat
• it does not say how long the storm had been taking place, or how long the disciples had been weathering it, when Jesus appeared during the fourth watch (somewhere between 3am-6am)
• even as Jesus performed a miracle (walking on water), His Followers "screamed with fright". Can you imagine His thoughts as He approached them? "I purposed to send them on ahead of Me, knowing this miracle might take place. This miracle will glorify the Father, yet another testimony that I am of Him." Did Jesus know they would be terrified? Was He hoping when they saw Him it would be a glorious moment, they would be celebrating and praising God the moment they saw Him on the water? Did He already know He'd instead have to be calming their fears in thinking He was a ghost?
• Jesus defied the laws of physics and all natural laws of earth when He appeared
• Jesus had to identify Himself. Was it because the disciples couldn't see Him clearly through the storm? Was it too dark? Was it because of their fear and fright (their perception was distorted by their fear, and they couldn't see or think clearly)? Human fear can cause perceptions of reality and truth to be skewed, whether Believer or not.
• Do we not see or recognize Jesus in our lives sometimes, even if He's right in front of us, because of circumstances, etc.?
• Jesus admonished them to stop being afraid of Him. It doesn't say they were afraid of the storm/wind.
• even after identifying Himself, Peter still said "if it is You, command me to come to You on the water". How often does Jesus appear in our lives and we don't recognize Him, or we ask Him for further confirmation that it's actually Him, even after He identifies Himself? This happens often, and it's okay--the Trinity has lots of practice reaffirming and assuring Followers of their presence and their guidance.
• Peter likewise began to walk on water. The storm continued, even as Peter (and Jesus) performed the miracle of walking on water. The storm did not cease when faith was exercised. How often do we expect our own storms to be gone the instant we start exercising our faith in Jesus in a situation?
• it doesn't say how long Peter walked on the water before his faith wavered. I've always thought it was only a few seconds, but it doesn't say it was only a few seconds. When Peter got out of the boat, did he stand by the boat for 10-15 seconds, marveling, taking in the miracle brought on by his belief, before he began walking toward Jesus? I have always figured it was very short time, for surely if it had been more than very briefly other disciples would have then joined them on the water too...or would they? Some folks would logically conclude "yes", but the reality is some people still do not put their faith in Jesus, turn from sin (repent), etc. even though they undeniably see His power working in others. People see Him, unequivocally, in others, yet they themselves will not come to Him despite this:
"Jesus replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will never thirst any more (at any time). But [as] I told you, although you have seen Me, still you do not believe and trust and have faith." (John 6:35-36); "For John came to you walking in the way of an upright man in right standing with God, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the harlots did believe him; and you, even when you saw that, did not afterward change your minds and believe him [adhere to, trust in, and rely on what he told you]" (Matthew 21:32); "...neither will they be persuaded and convinced and believe [even] if someone should rise from the dead" Luke 16:31). Some (most?) Believers think that even living, supernatural, undeniable evidence of Jesus' power and resurrection would cause or bring about faith in Him in any human being. That is not the case, and Believers should be aware of this. The lack of trust/belief/surrender to Jesus despite the evidence of miracles should be met as Jesus met it: with continued forebearance and unconditional love, and more miracles. It should not be met with scorn, criticism, self-righteousness and/or judgment.
• when Peter began to focus on the wind/storm is when he began to sink
• Peter took his eyes off Jesus and put his eyes/focus on the storm instead. It was at this point his faith waivered, not only to the point of his being in trouble, but Peter thought he was actually going to die ("Save me from death!")
• what awesome/glorious thing(s) may have happened next if Peter's faith had not wavered? This is not the point of the story, just a neat "what if..." I wonder if they would have begun dancing on the water (kicking up water like the old "Singing In The Rain" movie). Maybe they would have started playing chase, or keep-away--in some way having a grand time on the water. Maybe the other disciples would have joined them! What incredible thing might have occurred among many believers if just one believer had kept their focus on Jesus? What a prime example of what incredible things could happen if just one keeps their faith and focus on the Savior. It might have led to so many more miraculous and awesome things happening.
• Jesus asked Peter "why did you doubt?" Peter had exhibited the faith to walk on water at Jesus' command, and did it! He took the bold steps on faith, and was living miraculously through--until he took his eyes off Jesus. How often do we begin a situation with faith, or grow into having faith, only to then take our eyes off Jesus? The result for us will be the same as Peter's sinking, unless we keep forging ahead in faith, despite the strength or length of the storm.
• was the doubt Jesus questioned Peter about internal or external doubt? Was it doubt about being able to defy natural laws through the power of God (to walk on water, in this case)? Was it doubt in Peter's mind of Jesus being the Messiah? (We know from Scripture Peter wavered back and forth in his belief in Jesus. Sometimes solid, sometimes not.) These are internal doubts which could have arisen in Peter's mind. Or was the doubt because of Peter's focus on the storm? This would be an external factor (not in Peter's mind) to bring about the doubt.
• Jesus knew what the nature of Peter's doubt was, but notice that He didn't tell it to Peter straight out. Jesus instead asked Peter, wanting Peter to think and examine the reason/cause. Sometimes God doesn't give us an answer straight out. Sometimes He has us ponder and reason things before Him within our minds. Prayer is a powerful and important element in a Believer's life, but pondering our hearts in front of the Lord can also be a rich experience leading to spiritual growth. Jesus asked Peter about his doubt, that Peter would ponder the reason for his doubt. Jesus wasn't asking about Peter's surface action of demonstrating doubt. Jesus wanted Peter to look at the why behind/beneath the action.
• the storm/wind ceased when Jesus and Peter got in the boat. It did not cease upon Jesus' command or word--Jesus didn't speak to the storm or rebuke it in this instance. Nor did the storm stop just because Jesus was present or performing a mircale. The storm stopped when He actually joined them where they were (in the boat).
2) storm in Luke 8:22-25
"22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out.
23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. 24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 25 "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." (Amplified Bible)
• Jesus went with the disciples in the boat from shore (He didn't send them out in the boat without Him or ahead of Him)
• did Jesus know the storm was going to take place ahead of time? Was He so confident in God (and/or dead to the circumstances of the world) He went to sleep anyway? Even after the storm was in full force, Jesus was STILL asleep. The disciples went to wake him when the boat was "being swamped and they were in great danger". Jesus was snoozin'! What a testament and example of being dead to the storms of this world if ever there was one.
• the storm was so severe all the disciples (not just Peter) feared not only were they in trouble from the storm, but that they were going to die (drown).
• in this case Jesus did rebuke nature, and instantly everything calmed at His giving the word for it to cease.
• Jesus rebuked two things: He rebuked the wind, and He also rebuked the raging waters. Can't tell from the passage if he rebuked them individually or collectively ("He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm").
• after the storm was calmed, the boat remained where it was in the sea (as far as latitude and longitude). Jesus had calmed the situation, but they remained in the location where they were.
• Jesus asked the disciples "Where is your faith?". Was Jesus questioning their faith in terms of the storm? ( Jesus had already shown supernatural authority over things of the earth; diseases, demons, sickness, etc). Or did He question their lack of faith about their fate ("we're going to drown!")?
• even after Jesus calmed the storm, they were still in "fear and amazement", and asked each other "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him." (Luke 8:25). Why were they still in amazement at Jesus? Up to this point, in the book of Luke, Jesus had: rebuked a demon (4:35), healed a fever (4:39), healed ALL who came to Him with a sickness (4:40), caused the miraculous catch of fish (5:4-9), healed a leper (5:13), healed great crowds (5:15), healed a parlaytic (5:17-26), healed a withered hand (6:6-10), healed more great crowds of sickness, unclean spirits and diseases (6:17-19), healed the centurion's son (7:2-10), raised a dead man (7:11-16), healed great numbers of sick, plagued, demon possessed and blind (7:21). These great miracles had been done before their eyes, in addition to His teaching (which likewise struck them with amazement). All these things had occurred in Jesus' life up to this miracle of calming the storm, and they still asked themselves "Who is this?"
• do we think ourselves any different than the disciples who walked the earth with Jesus? Do we think if we had been among the original disciples we would have believed (instead of wondered and doubted) upon witnessing His power, and followed and believed Him more than they?
• Do we fully acknowledge Him today--or do we acknowledge Him in some areas in our life but doubt and deny Him in others? Do we believe in the forgiveness of our sins through His blood, but then choose not to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14)? Do we give Him parts of our life for Him to be Lord over, but refuse to trust and follow Him completely with every part of it? Jesus said "If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [ disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [ cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also]." (Luke 9:23) Do we talk a good Christian talk or show a good Christian exhibit to other Believers, but then in private shout in anger at our children, spouse or strangers? Do we give lip-service to the fruits of the Spirit (patience, gentleness, self-control, etc.), but in our daily lives live out the fruits of the flesh (fits of rage, selfishness, dissension, etc) (Galatians 5:16-26)? Have we reached the turning point in our walk with Jesus, where we do go to the cross every morning, die to ourself, take up our cross and follow Him--in all things?
3) storm in John 6:16-22
"16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. 18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed three or three and a half miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified. 20 But he said to them, "It is I; don't be afraid." 21 Then they were willing to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. 22 The next day the crowd that had stayed on the opposite shore of the lake realized that only one boat had been there, and that Jesus had not entered it with his disciples, but that they had gone away alone." (John 6:16-22, Amplified Bible)
• the disciples had been waiting for Jesus to join them before they left (He had gone up on a mountain to pray by Himself, after feeding the multitudes with bread and fish)
• again, as before, it does not say how long the disciples confronted or dealt with the storm before Jesus appeared
• again, the disciples were terrified when Jesus appeared, walking miraculously on the water
• again, Jesus did not calm the storm immediately upon his arriving
• again, Jesus had to tell them "It is I; don't be afraid"
• again, Jesus defied the laws of earth/nature when He appeared. Jesus does come to us in our storms of life...do we anticipate Him showing up with miraculous, supernatural power, or do we just say a two-bit prayer and not really expect our storms to be radically changed? Does religion/tradition affect the manner and impact witih which we see Him show up in our lives? Do we put Him in a box that limits His ability (for He is able) to do things for and with us? Even if we see (or talk to) Him about a situation, do we actually exercise the faith that He will act in power to change things at the Father's will?
• they were not even half way in their journey (3 to 3.5 miles into a 9-mile journey across the lake) when this all took place.
• when Jesus entered the boat they were taken immediately from where they were in the lake to the shore where they were going. They did not remain in the same location (as far as latitude and longitude).
• the passage doesn't say whether the storm stopped or continued. The storm very well could have kept raging on. It doesn't matter what the storm did--they were instantly away/removed supernaturally from the storm to another place.
• Jesus did not rebuke this storm, in this case He did something else--transported the boat five to six miles away (that's all, just a ho-hum and yawn for the Father and Jesus).
• what were the details of being in Capernaum? Was the boat simply run up on the sand in shallow water? Was it docked with the boat's ropes tied to a dock?
• imagine what the conversations were upon "arrival" in Capernaum. (There was no arrival...they were just simply there already!) Usually when you are arriving at a location, you see it in the distance, your mind starts to think about the place you're arriving, what has gone on before in your visit(s) there, what this time will be like, what you anticipate or expect will happen during your visit. There was no anticipation nor nostalgia in arriving at Capernaum...they arrived there suddenly.
• none of the things that casually go through peoples' minds on a trip happened on the way to Capernaum. Under normal circumstances the disciples probably would have talked about their "war stories" of making it through a rough storm ("Boy, you should have seen those waves", "you should have seen how the wind caused the waves to slam into and over the boat", etc, etc, etc.). Jesus' presence, impact and miracle changed what was talked about. The storm was still part of the story, but the real story is what happened when Jesus Christ showed up. How often does Jesus perform miraculously in our lives, and instead of witnessing and testifying to His working and His power, we instead choose to talk about our perspective of things, weave our own human spin into explaining what happened, or focus on telling our own war story--instead of making it ALL about His power, deliverance and awesomeness in our lives?
• How incredible it would have been to be there, to see the looks on their faces and see what they said upon this miracle taking place.
Thoughts on the Three Storms:
Variation of Circumstances
• in Matthew 14, Jesus told his disciples to go ahead without Him. In Luke 8, Jesus told his disciples "let's go" and they went together. In John 6, Jesus had not returned (from the mountain) so the disciples left on their own without Him after waiting for Him until dark.
Each of these situations began differently, leading up to the storm: (1) Jesus telling His Followers to go on without Him. (2) Jesus telling His Followers "Let's go together". (3) Jesus' Followers making a decision to leave though they'd been waiting for Him to show up before they left.
So it is with our lives. There is no predictability or pattern as to what will happen in our lives leading up to a storm. Like the disciples, we often don't perceive what problems/storms will come upon us. When they do come, do we focus on the human circumstances and become fearful? Or do we look to Jesus--to be our strength first, then either calm the storm at His command or take us out of the storm?
Length of Storm Undetermined, Jesus' Priorities
Jesus did deliver His Followers from all three storms, but it is not revealed how long the disciples battled or were in the storms before they were calmed or the disciples removed.
Jesus did not rebuke any of the storms immediately when He arrived. His first actions each time were to calm the disciples fears and put at ease their being terrified (of Him and/or the storm).
The first thing out of Jesus' mouth in the Matthew 14 storm was "Take courage! It is Me! Don't be afraid!" In Luke 8, Jesus awoke to "We're going to drown!" His first action was to get up and rebuke the wind and the waves. In John 6, the disciples were terrified as Jesus approached them. His first words: "It is I. Don't be afraid!"
When He saw the disciples in fear/terror of the circumstances (instead of glorifying His miracle/presence), Jesus demonstrated His first priority is the emotional well-being of those who belong to Him.
Things are still the same. Believers cry out to Jesus when storms arise, and He shows up. His first priority is calming any fears about the storm--assuring us of His presence, that He's aware of what we're facing, offering us His Peace (not as the world gives or understands peace) and caring for any trauma/fear/terror the storm has brought.
One thing that is different from back in Jesus' day that comes into play today, at least in the American Body. There is a cynicism and pride (brought on by the Prosperity and Dominion Gospels) that brings doubt/wonder why the storm was allowed to occur in the first place. "I'm a Follower of Jesus. Why is this storm happening in my life?", "I focus only on the good things of God in my walk with Him", etc.
Also quite possible for Prosperity and Dominion Believers is a prideful impatience if the storm occurs for longer than the Believer wants it to. Believers in this line of thought will rebuke the storm from the onset, claiming or "knowing" that it "can't be from God", and spend all their prayers and energy inside the coccoon of their own mind fighting the storm (in the name of Jesus).
In doing this, they don't wait on the Lord. They don't seek God to know if the storm was either allowed or purposed in order to prune them (John 15:2, "while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful"), develop their character (Romans 5:3-5, "we[c] also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope") or teach them something spiritually.
Too many Believers start rebuking and speaking to calm storms immediately, and that's all they focus on. This is not what Jesus did. The storm was powerless to Him. That is why He slept during one of them. That is why His focus was on His disciples' hearts and well-being, and THEN He took care of the storm after what was truly important had been addressed.
If Believers solely focus on rebuking storms the moment they occur, how often is it missed that Jesus has come in miraculous power, and is present in the midst of what's going on? Is rebuking a storm more important than watching for Jesus, caring for others, or growing/learning through trials? There's definitely a percentage of Believers who are "missing the boat" on this.
How many people claiming to folllw Jesus walk around wielding His Name in every circumstance that isn't perfect, speaking in their own authority and opinion (though using the name of Jesus) as to how/when He should calm someone's storm? See it all the time. (example: "Satan, I command you to take your hand off Joe's life, in the name of Jesus! He's a child of God, and you have no right to be causing havoc in his circumstance. You're rebuked in the name of Jesus and must flee.")
Huh? Since when do we Christians know what God is doing or allowing (Job 1:9-12) in someone's life? Did the Lord give us a supernatural word of wisdom about someone's circumstance, so we start slinging His Name around to change their circumstance? Is the wielding of this authority actually from divine insight into others' lives that we would pray this way, or is it our own "authority" (in the name of Jesus, of course) that we think someone's circumstance just shouldn't be that way, so we're going to shake heaven and earth to change it to surely how God must want it?
There Will Be Storms
There is no such thing as the Prosperity Gospel, friend. To expect, hope or proclaim to others that life as a Christian is (or is supposed to be) only positive peaches-n-cream is unrealistic and unscriptural. The world does not see Jesus if Followers do not proclaim and bring His Light into situations of darkness.
"23 Except that the Holy Spirit clearly and emphatically affirms to me in city after city that imprisonment and suffering await me. 24But none of these things move me; neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have obtained from [which was entrusted to me by] the Lord Jesus, faithfully to attest to the good news (Gospel) of God's grace (His unmerited favor, spiritual blessing, and mercy)." (Acts 20:23-24)
If you were in pretty much most churches in America today, or in conversation with most American Christians today, and like Paul in this passage from Acts told a fellow Believer "The Holy Spirit has emphatically affirmed to me that suffering awaits me", they would more than likely grab your arm and say "Oh no! That's not God's will for you! God has a better plan for you!"
This happens with great frequency in the Body, every day. Where, instead, is the wisdom knowing our faith and character in Jesus is refined by trials?
"3Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. 4 And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. 5 Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us." (Galatians 5:3-5, Amplified Bible)
Here's the same in the NIV translation: "3 we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (Galatians 5:3-5, NIV)
"...He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit." (John 15:2, Amplified Bible)
"47For everyone who comes to Me and listens to My words [in order to heed their teaching] and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock; and when a flood arose, the torrent broke against that house and could not shake or move it, because it had been securely built or founded on a rock. 49 But he who merely hears and does not practice doing My words is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, against which the torrent burst, and immediately it collapsed and fell, and the breaking and ruin of that house was great." (Matthew 7:47-49, Amplified Bible)
Storms are going to take place. We may wander into them ourselves (following our own way), or we may be led into them (for the purpose of pruning and refinement).
Do we look to Jesus when storms come? No, really. Do we truly look to Him through the duration of what's going on, or do we give lip-service to Him (we tell others we are looking to Him, but in reality are dealing with the storm(s) in our own strength, wisdom and direction)?
Do we run out of patience between the time the storm hits us and the moment when Jesus calms the storm? In each of these examples Jesus DID calm the storm (or took His followers out of the storm). Every time. But before He did the storm was terrible and they seemed destined for doom.
How long was the time gap between the onslaught of the storms and their being calmed by Jesus? The Word doesn't say. May have been a few minutes, a few seconds. Longer? The Word doesn't say how long, but it was long enough in each case for the storm to be intense to the point of causing concern. Grave concern.
What is the timeline in our lives? How much time is there between the moment a storm hits and the time we look for Jesus? The Word mentions the disciples being fearful from the ferociousness of the storms. Jesus did not judge the disciples for being fearful. He simply admonished and encouraged them to not be afraid.
When storms hit us, do we cry out in fear too? Or, because we have built our house upon the Rock, does our foundation stand firm even as the first waves crash against us? It doesn't matter. If we stand firm on the Rock from the onset of a storm, great! If we prove human and are fearful at a storm, Jesus is there to tell us "Take courage! I AM! Be not afraid!"
Are we so continually rooted and in fellowship with Jesus that our relationship with Him remains tight and unchanged regardless of the situations that arise in our lives? Or do storms cause us to run to Him from where we were--indicating we weren't closely abiding in Him when the storm occurred?
We are not judged if we weren't abiding in Him. The storm will be calmed when He speaks the word. His love and compassion abound toward those who trust in, cling to and rely on Him whether we were standing firm or whether we weren't.
Dealing with Storms for Various People:
Are you reading this having never trusted your life, heart and soul to Jesus? Is there a storm currently in your life? Are you fighting storms of life in your own strength, in your own wisdom and your own way? Are you okay and confident in your own abilities to cope and deal with things? Have you turned to man's ways of dealing with trials as the solution, or have you been doing so for many years?
If so, I pray right now the true colors of whatever earthly or man-made thing(s) or habits you are leaning on to sustain you will show themselves for what they are. If they are "the" answer, may they continue to be. If our Creator will draw you to Him and to His Son, Jesus, I pray the things you have been looking to for strength and sustainment in life will begin to show their weakness and their inability to truly be The Answer for you. I pray that if/as man's ways and man's things begin to either falter or be unfulfilling in your life, that you will have the wisdom to see this--and realize God is behind the faltering and unfulfillment and is drawing you to Jesus, the Rock the world cannot compare to in helping you, calming your fears, calming your storms.
Are you already a Believer, but have been only looking to Jesus for the simplest things of the faith--salvation and forgiveness of sins? Are you holding back from letting Him be the Lord (master and ruler) of your life? Are you allowing Him only into certain places and not others?
Friend, remember this: Jesus said "Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save it." (Luke 9:25) If as a Believer you are looking to hold onto or maintain control over things you have not surrendered to Him, you will not have His Peace about them, and those areas will remain the "spur under the saddle" of your life. You don't have His Peace about them. He is not guiding you in them. They are what worry you throughout the day. They are what cause you frustration, emotional strain, worry and misery. They are the storms of your life.
Surrender those areas to Him, my brother or sister. Let these things die, by giving them to Him, so you can go about living. Let Him have the worry, the frustration, the cares, the worry about these things! He wants to give you an easy yoke and a light burden in exchange for you giving Him these things that are weighing you down (Matthew 11:28-30).
Are you already a Believer, but have been infiltrated by the Prosperity or Dominion Gospels, and realize that you have missed what God intends to either teach you or grow you through in your storms?
Have you spent all your efforts in a storm fighting the storm (in and with the Name of Jesus) that you have missed His pruning, His intended lesson learned or His intended growth of your character in your storms of life?
Are you so busy wielding the Name of Jesus at every imperfect circumstance in life that you are missing the growth and refinement God wants for you? Are you invoking Jesus' name over other people's circumstances, using Jesus' name to invoke calm in their life (when God may be wanting to have them endure, learn, grow from what they're facing)?
The Word says "the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in" (Proverbs 3:12) Are you so busy claiming His Name over everything that you can't "be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)? Do you spend so much time asking for and seeking His blessings that there is nothing reciprocal on your part--to spend time fearing Him (Psalm 67:7), pausing to listen to Him, seeing what He has to say about the things in your life, understanding what He wants to accomplish by the storms you're going through?
I say the following in absolute grace, love and humility, as a reminder of His Truth. Remember Jesus' words in Matthew 7, "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you..." (Matthew 7:22-23)
I have repented of trying to be/play God in knowing what He's doing in others' lives. If we're not getting prophetic words from Him for specific circumstances, it's not our job to call the shots as to what is to happen. We absolutely should be constant in prayer, but seeking God's hand in something is different from putting our own spin on what should happen in the spiritual realm.
You may share with others about having a relationship with God, but is your relationship with Him a one sided "Bless me, give me, here's what I want You to do" endeavor, where He is not given neither an ear nor a chance to respond? That's not a relationship, folks.
Is God given the chance (each time you talk to Him) to tell you what He is thinking? Is He given time to teach you? Is He allowed to share where He's wanting to take you--spiritually or otherwise?
The disciples didn't even see Jesus in their midst during the storms because they were focusing on the storm or focusing on their fears. Because of this, their perception of Jesus' presence and God's perfect will were distorted. Jesus showed His compassion by foregoing the intended glory in the moment and gave attention to calming fears, reassuring and restoring.
Wouldn't it logically seem that God's perfect will in each of those storms was: the disciples would recognize Jesus when He appeared, they would not have been fearful [either of Him or the storm], and God/Jesus would be glorified even in the middle of turmoil.
We can see from each of these storms that God's perfect will during storms did not come about. It should have been pure glory: Jesus walking on the water amidst the storm, the disciples recognizing Him, glorifying Him, and all of them demonstrating the faith to walk with Him miraculously themselves.
This didn't happen. So quit beating ourselves up when we aren't flawlessly perfect in our lives. Jesus showed His compassion toward His disciple's hearts and minds when they weren't strong. He's the same with us. Does He want us to be strong and have faith, and not begin to sink like Peter? Absolutely. And we should strive for spiritual maturity to walk strongly and boldly in Him. If we are not at that level in our walk with Him yet, we are strengthened knowing He meets us where we are, comforts fears, and encourages us to take courage in Him.
Get your eyes off being storm-free in life, my brother and sister. Storms are going to come. They are allowed or purposed number one so that He might be glorified through our actions and witness through them. If He is not being glorified, we need to examine our hearts as to why not. If others are not undeniably seeing Jesus in us as we go through things, we need to examine if our house is built upon sand or upon the Rock. May we all grow to be Rockin' amidst our storms.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
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