let's go ahead and admit it, why don't we?
We are gods.
We give the one true God lip service.
We have too many options.
We can do things ourselves.
We are so smart.
We are so advanced.
We have so much technology.
Who effing cares about what Jesus says.
Who effing cares about what God's illustrated in His book.
God works through man.
We "trust God to work through man".
We look to ourselves to inspire each other.
We look to each other for "encouragement".
We are who "bless" each other.
We heal ourselves.
Take a hike, God. We got it figured out.
We've seen what You've done, but we can do better because we have Power Point, and electricity, and knowledge, and experience, and "wisdom".
And education.
"Education is the key to the future". (Along with information, and "awareness", and "diversity")
All we need You for is to help us from hurricanes hitting us real hard again (where were You last year, by the way?), oh and please don't let the stock market go down. In Jesus' name, Amen.
We got the rest, thanks for offering though.
See ya!
I mean, Ya!
Yep! I do this all the time. I don't like the idea of an omnipotent Go that sees everything I do. I wanna pull the shades down and call him when things get really bad. I don't understand why, but I take comfort in knowing that Peter did this to Christ and he did not abandon him. Thank God he loves me anyway.
So many people use this phrase thinking it is in the bible. "God helps those who help themselves" It isn't actually. And further it is diametrically opposed to how God works. God helps those who realize they are completely helpless without him. But there is an indignity to helplessness that we like to try ans skate around.
Jesus says "My power is made perfect in your weakness".
Makes absolutely no sense.
Goes against every grain of our mind, reflexes and nature.
Someone recently told me "I'm going to be courageous and have faith. That's my end of the bargain."
I refrained from saying "why don't you instead be totally helpless, powerless, weak and vulnerable about this with the Lord and watch what happens?"
I held back b/c this would have gone straight over their head. Then and now.
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