You know how some folks talk about events in their life that take place (with a child, a friend, a situation, etc), and then draw a dainty parallel between that event and some nugget of wisdom or insight about God and/or life?
For example:
(with a sweet little coo-coo voice, like you're talking to a six-month old) "You know, I saw the most beautiful flower blooming today! And it reminded me that we, like a flower, bloom in our relationship with God!"
Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.
Well, glory be! Yesterday I was driving to an appointment and, God bless me, look what God did...check out this picture!
He gave me one of those parallel-lesson thingys about my life that many others seem to get all the time...
All together now: "awwwwwwwwww".
Or for those of you who want to spiritualize it, all together now: "God is so good..."
Hey, How goes it in the cave?
That really sucks man. I'm sorry seems inadequate to say. I always have something to say, but I prayed for words of comfort to give you and I come up blank. You know all the scriptures about being broken and how you won't be forsaken and all that...I will not tire you with it. I feel agreived, I don't know what it's all about, your situation. I don't really need to. I pray for mercy on your behalf.
I did have words for you. I just wrote them a long time ago. I hope this comforts you.
I was born at the bottom of a great abyss
On the cold soil steeped in the damp of pain
I grew taller
But ever smaller as I looked to the sky
Wondering how I
Would climb
out of this dark.
A voice would come to comfort me
I thought
He would say
“There is no way”
“You’ll just have to stay”
“This is your place”
But I saw the sky!
And I wanted something bright and BLUE
Something alive.
So I began to climb
All the while listening
To the whispers of doubt and fear
Maybe what I desire isn’t real.
Maybe it’s all in my mind.
I think these things as I climb
I struggle and stumble
Over and over again
It feels as though I will never make it
Like I can’t take one more moment
Of having to explain
How I came
To be at the bottom
Of this very dark hole.
I want to disclaim it
To disown it.
But it is in me and
It will be
As long as I am in it.
Please, please steal me from this place!
Carry me like a jet stream into an ocean of grace.
Let me feel the water cool and clear on my face
I wipe my tears and taste the sea
I know my father will come for me
I am just stopping by to knock on your cave and see if you are ok...but there aren't usually doors on caves. So I will just yell. Don't want to bug you. But I thought I would drop by and bother you a bit. Some people get spiritual gifts of prophesy, others get the gift of hospitality. I got the gift of nudge. I am God's little pain in the ass. Needless to say, I wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you...and if you find batman in there give him a shout out from me...I'm such a wise ass. Anyhow, I don't mean to make light of your situation, I know whatever it is is really tough. But love does not mean we tiptoe around you because shit is hard right now. That just isn't me. Besides the batman comment, that's funny, but there's a little more to that. In the famous words of Steve Brown "you think about that, Amen." Jesus has you in his grip, brother.
If I could figure out a way to make a metaphysical stink bomb, would you come out then? Well, Lazurus, at least it's not a closet that you're in. I think they are harder to get out of than caves. Must be all the shoes. The silence must mean I am bugging the crap out of you...or that I am paranoid, or both. But I'll just stew in my insecurities and act like an insensitive annoying pain in the behind anyway. It's kind of entertaining for me anyway. This is what people from the north east call "comfort". It's kind of like getting punched in the face so your leg hurts less.
You've probably decided that you are not checking the email so you can truly disengage and therefore, I am just talking to myself, but that's ok, I know I'm not going to piss me off. Anyhow. Thought I'd check in. Got to meet my PIA quota for the day.
hey bb, I've been on the road the last few days. Happens in my schedule a couple of times a month(including driving overnight twice).
Your poem sparked some thoughts, as did your subsequent comments, I just haven't had time to type them in.
Thanks for stopping by, my sweet little Christian Hemorrhoid. More later, take care.
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