your perpetual victory in Jesus today (and tomorrow, next week, etc), if you can find it within yourself, realize there are other people, followers of Jesus some of them, who are in a world of shit.
Some of them don't know where their next meal is going to come from.
Some are literally pulling their hair out not knowing what to do about a circumstance they're in.
Some of them are very angry.
Some of them are being ripped to shreds.
Some of them are done with all this.
You see, as you live in your "prosperity", every day circumstantially for them is like losing a football game 77-0.
Their "life" is akin to losing a baseball game, where the opponent hits home run after home run yet all they're doing is striking out on three pitches every at bat.
And no, their opponent is not exhibiting good sportsmanship. They are rubbing their noses in the pummeling and jeering like you can't imagine.
(Your praise & worship music is drowning your ears from hearing it.)
People in these situations don't want to see a cheery smile.
The "answer" here is not what you commonly do--hope that your "positive", encouraging attitude is somehow going to rub off on them.
Comments such as "there's victory in Jesus" or "let Jesus lift you up out of your circumstances" grate against their ears when you say them.
Something deep in the core of their being says "No, that's not it at all. There's a lot more than that going on here."
Guess what?
They're right. You're wrong.
You're trying to force Kool Aid down their throat, and you don't even know it.
it doesn't matter whether they are a Follower or not, they've got a barometer going off inside of them that what you're saying "ain't it". And it's not.
This is a very shocking, wacko idea here, but it would be really cool if you who claim God and Jesus would actually check with Them about your "ministry" instead of just blabbing your fucking mouth and thinking you're doing "the Lord's work" when you are not.
Yeah, go ahead and gape your mouth if you want. This is how frustrating and pissed these people not doing so well as you get when you smear their circumstances with your positive, blessed shit.
Unfortunately most of them put on a mask and give you a congenial smile when you offer them the Kool Aid.
They take a sip of the rancid gall you offer them, and instead of being honest and blistering you for giving them that shit, they instead peter out a half-smile.
The half-smile stems from the fact you are confusing the shit out of them.
Their heart is roaring to them "bullshit", but your throwing around the name of Jesus makes them do a double-take.
I got news for you, friend. You're not on the same page with God.
Their heart is in sync with what God has put intuitively inside mankind. Doesn't matter whether they are a Follower or not.
They've got a built-in God radar way down deep inside of them, placed there by the Man Himself.
They may have repressed and squelched it for years, but now at this time, where the rubber meets the road in their life, they are attune to it.
Quit playing fucking games with people's hearts as you take God's name in vain.
You sit there on your websites and tout and herald how much you savor "connecting with God" during worship.
How about venturing to connect with Him outside of "worship"?
God could give a shit about how ooey-gooey you get in staged, purposed theatricals when you're sitting there playing guinea pig, poke-it-with-a-stick experiments with people's hearts in the name of Jesus.
What if everyone just old the truth?
(1) because people who are inebriated with the Kool Aid have no interest in the truth.
They are blinded (or is it zombified?) by the deified focus on the victory and prosperity they live in (and wish others to come into).
Leave your mincemeated heart at the door and come "praise the Lord".
One of the major tenets of the Kool Aid is if you're feeling bad or down that if you will simply begin to "praise the Lord" then both your circumstances and your heart are going to miraculously turn on a dime, to your favor of course.
Then you leave the meeting and go back to your shit circumstances and the disconnect sirens go off.
(2) because Kool Aiders don't think "I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was naked and you didn't clothe me" could in ANY WAY pertain to them.
They go into perplexed shock when told their approach, their ministry is not on the mark, is not of God.
You wanna talk about denial. Churchianity takes the world-wide cake in terms of denial.
This even happens when the Kool Aiders have gone through a similar experience as the hurting person in their own past.
I have seen someone four-times divorced in total Kool Aid mode with a person going through divorce.
Then when told "you don't get it" they were dumbfounded.
This is just the scratch of the scratch of the scratch of the surface.
This doesn't even get into the "Formula For Dealing With A Hurting Person", cookie-cutter approach that Kool Aiders go into (which only goes skin-deep...)
Oh Screw them, they are missing out...everyday I get closer to telling the complete truth about myself, closer to seeing the truth. And the more I tell the truth, the freer everyone around me is to tell the truth and that is just so darned worth it that they can shove the kool aid in thier orifice of choice.
You wanna know something about victory? Every day I am less beholden to my secrets. Every day I flip off another demon. And you know what? I am not getting there by singing the same verse to a song 60 times over. It's the truth that sets you free and they can keep their sugar water and their secrets, I know where victory really is and it has nothing to do with an SUV and a house at the beach. My audience is God and him only and I just don't care anymore what I look like to anyone else. You don't want a taste of that freedom, well your darned loss people.
A friend of ours said that church should be like sinners anonymous...he's right...and if it were like that it would really be something awesome.
Hey what's that a picture of anyway?
you're right, they are missing out and it is their loss.
But deeper than that is the this: they DON'T CARE.
They don't care they are unrelatable. They don't care they're not getting it.
They don't get they are snubbing and trampling on people.
They are too caught up in "praise & worship" to give a rip. There is this SWELL across the land that p&w is a cure-all elixir. Across this land it's "if you're down, begin to praise the Lord and watch what happens".
That's not the God and Jesus I know. They aren't obsessed with my spiritual bliss and happiness 24/7. Is that what Jesus taught so much on? Really? Gosh, I must be missing some pages in my copy of the bible.
As to your question, I don't know what that's a picture of. I just went to the web and typed in "disconnect" and that pic came up. I didn't use the word disconnect in the post really, but it's quite descriptive of what's going on.
If they aren't his...do we need to concern ourselves with them? Is caring about their foolishness our father's business? That's not rhetorical, I am actually wondering. I think we have to care for the next broken person that he puts in front of us and then the next and the next and screw them. They may be a body, but I am beginning to think it ain't his. My brothers and sisters are those that do the Lord's will. What does that make them? Dogs. Should we bother convicting them? Again that's an actual question. I am pondering here. My heart says "Eat your own damned tail if that's what you want...there's gonna be a shit storm with you at the center some day and woe unto you." I hear God say my question needs to be "Who is broken, Lord, and what do you want me to do about it?" That may not be your ministry, it may be specific to me. But I thought it was worth sharing.
is caring about their foolishness our (and/or our father's) business?
I continue to be told it is my business. People keep telling me I'm supposed to love the Church, and not be chiding it so.
That the Church is and always will be imperfect, and I should just love them and let them love me.
That's what comes in one ear.
In my other ear is ringing loudly what I've seen and what I've experienced.
That this whole "thing" going on in a lot of places is nothing that resembles the Way. It's just a mixture of man-concocted bullshit and social club minutae.
So good question: is that something we are to face/endure/participate? Shake the dust off our feet or help the blind see?
I'm in total shake the dust off my feet mode right now. I know that is VERY difficult to understand based on my lovely blog, but it's true.
Same goes for the conviction (do we show them) question. I tried, and got tired of saying "no, you don't get it". I got tired of having my heart bludgeoned.
So, I went to God and asked "are You telling me You want me to be emotionally masochistic just so I'm not 'forsaking the assembling of yourselves together'?"
My pearl got trampled by pigs, "Jesus people" pigs, in church.
And all the "oh, but just come love us" bullshit spoken to me after I left is fallen on deaf ears.
"Eat your own damned tail", yeah, that is where I'm at too now.
Your approach: "who is broken, Lord? Nudge me, show me, lead me."
Beautiful and simple. That's got God's fingerprints all over it.
Who is the church?
They, They, They, They!!!! What about you? What do you do? There is only one US and that is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I feel you about this stuff. You know that I do. But we are not qualified to make anything about "US" and "THEM"! When you do this, you become them. WE are about love or we are about nothing. If they are inebreated with the Kool Aid, you are inebriated with your frustration at it. Does that make you better? You are very wise. But, he who is wise and has not love is nothing. If you know Christ brother, where's the love? Where is your love? Show me the effing grief tough guy!!! Yeah sometimes Jesus gets pissed. Sometimes your brothers and sisters have to tell you all about yourself. You're so busy pointing fingers. How's it feel to have a finger pointed at you? Can you take what you dish? They are missing it, it is so terribly sad. Awful, but you need to watch over your own plate. Lest you miss it yourself.
Jesus died to rescue us from judging because in judging others we judge ourselves and close ourselves from receiving the full measure of his mercy. When you judge anyone, you make his death in vain. That is why he came. What did Adam and Eve want? The discernment to know right and wrong? What did they do with that? They judged themselves and one another unfit. Eventaully one son judged and killed his brother. GOD HATES JUDGEMENT more than anything that he hates. We are all unfit, so any judgement we have is unfair. He hated this so much that killed his own son to protect us from daily judging ourselves and others. What did he address the most in his life here? Finger pointing!!!! We are to lay judgement at the foot of the cross.
"Same goes for the conviction (do we show them) question. I tried, and got tired of saying "no, you don't get it". I got tired of having my heart bludgeoned. "
yeah I know exactly how you feel.
Is it the spirt Christ to mock? If your child sent you a letter telling you she loved you, would you correct the spelling? We all suck. Some people suck in Jesus' name. We don't know what we don't know. They just don't know.Is this how we learn? Shaming people doesn't teach them jack shit. There is a more loving way to convict and correct people than this, brother.
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