Death forges some bridges life cannot forge.
Death can abolish certain procrastinations which would otherwise go on.
Death brings about certain reunions which otherwise would not occur.
Death is sobering.
It shows how fake and hollow things all around us are.
Death is good.
My favorite thing about death is the resurrection that follows it. If it were not for the resurrection, death would not be good. The world hates any talk of death and avoids it at all costs. But you are right. It is good.
I'm sure you saw a lot of death when you were a nurse...which bids me to wonder, what types of things did you observe in those situations?
I have a friend who was a fireman/EMT for many years, and he saw many people die.
He said the majority of what he observed all those years was fear (regardless of whether they were of the Way or not). He said on only two occasions were people truly at peace about what was about to take place.
I penned these brief thoughts because a lady I spent a good bit of time with in the last two years died unexpectedly Monday night.
I know her relatives and people from her church, and it has been very interesting to observe the reactions and things going on the past couple of days.
This was the docile facet of the three facets that have stirred around inside about this. I might pen one of the other remaining two.
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