So characteristic of the land to skim the bloody surface with its paltry assessments.
Parade your experts and scratch your heads. Contrive your strategies and safeguards. Administer case studies til you're blue in the face. Trump your paper mache circumventions.
Weep shallow tears. Ignore the rotten, poisonous, black pus oozing out of the cuts. Tell yourself you're strong and that everything is okay. Deem yourself healthy.
Your band-aids do little. Proclaim innocence while many cling to lifeless, translucent religious skin long abandoned.
Write off the monsters and the bruised which you breed and nourish.
"Out, damned spot! Out I say!"
--Lady Macbeth
Macbeth, Act V Scene I
1 comment:
jp said...
Yikes! Where did that come from? :-)
What you wrote could fit right in with some Shakespearean play (in a modern English sort of way)!
I don’t know precisely to what you were referring but it sure was vivid and colorful!
About your topic for which you expressed satirical irritation - I’m reminded of what mj said earlier: "God...works within all the stupidness to do really awesome and amazing things". Also ... "He's an expert at dealing with idiots." That's priceless! Comforting thought, too. Because there are some things that we just can do nothing about!
(I just read what you wrote again. You must have gotten A's in creative writing in school!!) jp
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