I've really had a lot brewing lately, and every time I've sat down to write something nothing has gelled. It's as if there are ten thousand things inside, and collectively they are busting at the seams, yet when I attempt to select one of them from the others nothing comes.
I'm feeling that way right now too, but am just going to type stream of consciousness and perhaps get the stinkin' cog out.
I have really been doing a lot of pondering the last few months on pain and knowledge. I wrote recently knowledge is nothing but knowledge. Of itself it stands alone. It has some value, but in the big scheme of things knowledge by itself is very, very tiny. By itself it often causes much, much damage.
But people don't look at knowledge this way.
Knowledge is trumpeted as the end-all. If you have knowledge you put yourself in position to have bigger and better (fill in the blank). Power, prestige, advantage, security, success, the list is quite lengthy.
The same is true among those who claim to know God.
In the last two years I have met many, many people who gurgitate all manner of bible verses and Godspeak in conversation. They have a repository of God-knowledge somehow and somewhere inside of them. And yet this knowledge when expressed has sounded like a sour, shreeking chord that raises all the hairs on the spine.
It is an absolutely awful sound to the ears of a wounded heart, yet the people who are playing the chord are tonedeaf. They think that what they are saying is on the mark and just what the Big Doctor in the sky ordered.
Many think because they are quoting bible verses it is absolutely certain that what they are saying has some type of celestial magic within it that will lead to a lightbulb going off inside the person they are speaking with.
Not so.
God Himself says very clearly this is not the case. Interestingly, He says this is not so right in the middle of the part of the bible scripture-Quoters reference as the reason to always be knowing scripture, learning scripture and quoting verses.
What's interesting is these folks don't pause to consider this is the very thing Jesus wishes to deflate. When He speaks to people who are knowledge hounds, He scathes them for having tons of knowledge and being zero about people's hearts.
And that is one of the chief plagues today. People who claim to know God are on a knowledge binge. Meanwhile, they know nothing and care nothing about people's hearts.
This is central to Jesus' message. In His conversations with the teachers of the Law this comes up over and over again.
As I'm typing this I am thinking of three friends. All of them have/had some nasty heart-bruises in life. All three of them went to church with the hope of having their heart recognized (and hopefully nourished) there.
All three of them instead had their heart further damaged, trampled and bruised.
So, what did all the knowledge inside all of the people in the places they went do? Nothing? No, not nothing. The knowledge did additional heart-stomping damage. And what happened as a result of that? Each of these three friends could not tolerate the additional bludgeoning of an already dilapidated heart, and so they left before their heart was killed.
I applaud each of them. Whether they knew it or not, they had a gauge of their own heart and they knew they needed to protect what was left. (Prov 4:23)
A friend questioned on the recent Knowledge post that perhaps I was denouncing knowledge. I'm not. Knowledge has the potential to be part of heart repair, but it does not do so by itself.
Knowledge alone is just knowledge. Knowledge by itself does nothing to or for the heart.
It has to mesh with something else. And largely it's not.
1 comment:
I know what you mean. I kept thinking of this verse that says, "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know." and then I went and browsed this whole letter of 1 corinthians. It seems that the whole letter was to address the people in corinth and their fetish for knowledge and their pride in it. Depending on how you count, Paul uses the word knowledge 40-60 times in the letter, much of it sarcastically.
This search was enlightening.
My view of knowledge is much higher than most people's I think. When most people claim they have knowledge, I don't think they really do. Knowledge to me is something that you have after you have done. For example, you don't know Christ's sufferings because you can quote form the crucifixion accounts in the 4 gospels. You know Christ's sufferings when you are persecuted.
The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.
And I am SICK AND TIRED of my friends getting bludgeoned by "the Worduh" - places like Matthew 18 for example. Mostly not because the Worduh is deficient or not valid for today or whatever. Mostly because they are abusers - of people and of the Word. They miss people and then they miss what Jesus was really saying. Or maybe it's in the other order.
Anyway, don't you think that there is a world where people could care less what scriptures people quote, what knowledge they have--that we could sail for, and leave them all behind? a world where we know God and don't care what everyone else knows?
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