Poser, Poser, Poser.
You're being like other narcissistic people I know. My reference point for the Knowledge post was penned on March 6th. Many things have been incubating and swirling inside since then, and I've been wanting to revisit them. Shall I send you my follow-up draft on pain before posting it, since I failed to send you the draft of the follow-up post about knowledge beforehand?
My only reference to scriptures are the four you rattled off in true Al Capone style here the other day. Rat-a-tat-tat. Followed, of course, by your make-believe verse, "the meekness of His kingdom of love".
I swear, dude, maybe someday you'll realize love has a thousand different faces, not just the 200 sheepish, patty-cake ones you and millions of others think constitute the whole--half of which are forever stained with the feces of false humility, as you demonstrated for us so well here the other day.
I expressed an interest three times to discuss your verses-plus-1 here, and you would none of it.
And you want me to believe you'll be genuine behind closed doors when you are not genuine in public? What is that Jesus says about whitewashed tombs and dead mens' bones? I don't care to see your skeletons. I'd much rather deal with whitewashed you here in the open, you'd be much cleaner here.
I have great suspicions of someone who ducks and runs multiple times...then has the nerve to say they don't duck and run. And I'm to trust you in that darkened alley you're bidding me to? Let's see, you've been wearing a mask from the minute you showed up, and I see the shiny reflection of that dagger you're not quite hiding all the way behind your back. What do you think I am, stranger?
You never owned up to yourself here, while you claim you can and will own up to yourself elsewhere? You smeared your shit on this blog. This is where the mess was, and you're "no no, go over there instead. I'll clean it up over there." You are a fucking pussy, dude. Said with the love of Jesus--one of those other faces of His which you don't think exists.
So stick your private email request up your ass, it'll look good there next to your brains.
As for your surmising I wrote any of the Knowledge post because of the last few days, take a number and break out War & Peace while you wait. You are about #1183 down the list of people who have slung useless verses and Christianese psychobabble my way in a variety of contexts over the last few years. This is a deductive writing, not an inductive one. Jump off that narcissistic train, pal. You're one of thousands, and the last in a loonnnngggg line. This is not something that just cropped up.
As for my daughter, she is special, I think. She is growing up fast as a 5 yr-old and I actually am missing it, from 900 miles away. Between Christmas Day and last week I spent a grand total of six days with her.
All praise be to her godless black-hearted bisexual mother-fucking cunt egg-donor, who got up under oath and lied her conscienceless God damn fucking ass off, stripped my life with her away, and is living the life of a fucking whore right before her eyes. Oh wait, whores get paid to spread their legs, I mean fucking slut. That's what my daughter is growing up in.
Meanwhile, all your kin who try and blow bubbly, positive verses and PMA Christianity my way? They have taken, and can take, a number. Don't need the platitudes, fuck you very much.
But God bless America! This wonderful country with its great laws which have raped me dry with no Vaseline? God bless this place!
Now, wonder why people slinging hollow cliches, aimless Christianese and bible verses which are not authored by God make me angry.
The local church who kicked me to the curb, and any others who gasp "oh my, he's angry", and do nothing but try and brush my anger under the carpet with Scripture so your dainty little worlds of blessing and praise and Christian euphoria aren't disrupted? You'll be standing there on That Day while my bludgeoned heart is hanging there for the vast masses to see. You will be silent and Jesus will tell me "speak".
I will turn to you, and through gritted teeth and barely able to speak through the tears, I will growl, "I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was an angry stranger and you did not invite me in." As I say this God the Father's heart will break, and Jesus' eyes of fire will burn right through you. You will turn to Jesus and say "But Lord, didn't we sing praise songs in Your Name, take a stand for You against man's anger, defend Your Word faithfully, and spend our time warming our voices in practice for this 24/7/365 PraiseFest which is now before us?" And He will say "I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who do wickedly."
So go ahead, marvel why I go off on the callous Body. Ponder why I lash out that this life is not about being a BlessingFest, nor seeing how orgasmic your precious "praise & worship" time can be. You're nothing but a bunch of stone-hearted, blind, self-inebriated pieces of shit, you double sons of hell whose "compassion" reeks of vulture vomit.
You're God damn right I'm pissed. Go ahead and quote me your little "man's anger does not bring about the righteousness God desires" verses til you're blue in the fucking face, and please include the verses about the tongue while you're at it. Quote them all to me, you praise and blessing whores. Bow to your golden calves. You're all about your knowledge, garnering blessings and popping a woody during worship, and none about men's hearts.
Now, Poser, you have now promised three times you wouldn't come back. You've struck out, and are now furthering your yo-yo, triple-speak con job by trying to bend even more rules (which you implemented) while trying to wipe the egg off your face. Just go, dude. Your diaper is already down around your ankles. Don't make it worse.
And that, my friends, is what is called seeing into someone's heart.
Good day.
1 comment:
"And that, my friends, is what is called seeing into someone's heart."
Well I have seen and determined that it's a pretty good one...one of the best.
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