I continue to not know what spouting a bunch of verses, either said or written to me, or posted or preached anywhere, is supposed to do.
I mean it, I don't know what it's supposed to start, say, convey, cause or finish. Within any of us.
I used to, but I have gone from Saul to Paul with this. I honestly and totally no longer understand this.
It's as if rattling off a bunch of stuff is some kind of kingpin thing. Creates some kind of uncontestable Kingdom aura. I guess?
Where the whole world stands still and holds it breath cause the Wor-duh!!!!!!!!!! is being "proclaimed". (by who?)
Is Jesus supposed to appear with a heavenly magic wand, sprinkle some kind of powerful fairy dust or somethin' when this happens?
God connects no dots for me when the laundry list gets scrolled out. Every time someone rattles off verses to me I have questions. And I kid you not, no exaggeration, no one will stay around to talk about my questions regarding the list of verses they've just slung.
They just launch their Holy Hand Grenade and book the hell out. It's a pattern with an easily recognizable signature. Think their explosion of verses decimates any potential for questions. They never stick around. Never come check out the aftermath cause they presume nothing will be in the wake but carnage.
I've yet to see one person, even one, respond after firing their RPG (Rocket Propelled Gospel) my way. They think I'm dead-- drowned or viscerated by the avalanche of what they perceive is "Truth". (it's not) Or at the least I'm maimed, and there will therefore be no possible discussion. I'm undoubtedly silenced, so they don't engage. Won't dialogue. Amazing.
And this, folks, is what is called "witnessing" and "sowing seeds" and "taking a stand for Christ" in the 21st century Body. This is it.
It's the Church's twist of the Knowledge Is King poison in this society.
Knowledge is king. Period. And the Church has fallen for this hook, line and sinker. If you spout more verses than me, you "win". You're spiritual, you're on track, you're of God, you're this, you're that.
Society's gig with knowledge is: get as much education as you can. This is pounded from day one. Also, knowledge equates to power, equates to being somebody, equates to having the upper hand, equates to advantage, equates to superiority, equates to success. And human success and conditions are somehow the measure of "fruit".
Watch our news so you can be the first to be informed. Make an informed decision. Join us for breakdown and analysis of the game, the speech, the disaster, the rescue, the downfall. Blah blah blah.
It's everywhere.
And what does the Church do with regard to knowledge? It follows the lead of society, what else would you expect?
It is just as rabid in its charge for Followers to: read the bible, read all these other umpteen million Christian books, watch these Christian documentaries, buy these tapes from this Christian seminar, listen to Christian radio, fill your mind with Christian xyz, follow these x-step patterns to faith, worship, growth, maturity, love, salvation, ministry, gifts, ad nauseum.
And...for what?
Knowledge is just knowledge.
I was talking with a friend the other day about some Jesus stuff when they said, "I need to read my Bible more".
My response? "Maybe."
So what?
Its over. I am not going to play this game. This is the last time I will be here. If you want real discussion, email me. I am fully available for intelligent, respectful discussion. If you act like an ass, I will just ignore you. I am not going to fight with you, I am not going to argue with you. I have already apologized once. I made a mistake when I offered an opinion that wasn't invited. You disagreed with what I said. That is your right. I told you I wouldn't do it again, and I wont.
And please, if you dont like my blog, then dont read it. There are hundreds of others out there that are much more profound and interesting. You have to admit, those are some pretty heavy scriptures though. I would think someone like you would like them. Nothing mamby pamby there. If you want to discuss any of them, again, you can email me. And no, its not about a bunch of useless head knowledge. Its about letting God speak, and have His way in our hearts and lives. I have a couple of different friends who call me several times a week, just to share what God is doing in their hearts. Its not about academics. Its about reality.
So let it go. Move on. I am not worth all this hoopla. Enjoy the good friends that God has given you. They seem to really care for and believe in you. That is a gift you should cherish. Dont take it for granted. Enjoy your daughter. She sounds really special. She will grow up fast. Dont miss it.
Take a deep breath. Take a few.
I wish you well.
Did you say holy hand grenade? :)LOL
They only work on little white rabbits, or so I've heard.
yes, Holy Hand Grenade.
They (HHGs) are supposed to work only on white rabbits, so I've been told too, but I'm not a white rabbit, that's why I don't vaporize or explode.
Also, I often hear them counting before launching them, and they don't count to three. Some count to two (but do not proceed to three), some to four, and some to five. Yes, to five, which is right out. Can you believe that? I think this plays into the lack of decimation too. This is what happens when you disobey the Word-duh!
I don't know if knowledge is really the bad guy.
I hear a lot of Bible verses thrown around but not a lot of actual knowledge. Knowledge means sex (Adam knew Eve and she conceived and bare Cain), which to me means the intimacy of truth connected with life. Most of what gets thrown around is totally disconnected. Many even admit it. The word says X. Believe it in faith (pretend) even if you don't see it. Disconnected. Believe it if I quote it even if it's totally disconnected from what God is up to presently. A lot of what is claimed for knowledge is really only education.
And there are two kinds of knowledge. There is the knowledge of good and evil (morality), and then there is the knowledge of God (life). Our mom and dad chose the wrong kind. And the modern church propagates their decision, replays it thousands of times over.
It seems to me that the problem with life (knowing God) is that "it is not written". Most evangelicals take when Jesus countered satan with "it is written" as a magic formula. It's not. Jesus could have quoted from thousands of verses. The point of all that (this is laughable) was not that Jesus knew how to quote scripture. The point was that he knew WHICH ones to quote at the time. He knew because he was alive. He knew because he knew God.
Anyways, I like your post. This is the way to rant. Take notes everyone.
Not sure what mr. rogers is complaining about. Maybe it's not such a beautiful day in the neighborhood?
oh, I'm not calling it a bad guy. My comment simply is "knowledge is just knowledge".
What I'm saying IS the bad guy is the way both society and the Church in their respective yet identical ways trump knowledge as something it is not.
And, like you say well here, it's the inherent disconnect from blabbing scripture without knowing God.
That is definitely bad. In my opinion, pure fucking evil. It's why bruised and hurting people are getting slashed left and right by the jagged shards of today's Church.
The way the bible sometimes...strike that...most of the time gets used reminds me of the brilliant philosopher Inigo Montoya who said:
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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