why do Followers have any interest in material attainment, when the way to Life is to give one's self away?
why all the talk about providing or giving justice to the wronged, instead of becoming one with them in their brokenness?
why all the focus on growth and increase, instead of just going out and feeding some hungry folks less than three miles away?
why all the focus on blood, when family is not defined by blood?
why do Followers think things must always be getting better, or always positive, in life? They must have a different bible than I have. The one I read seems to have a lot of ebbing in life, even for those in God.
People who are like this must have really shallow faith. That must be why I get so steamed when they approach me to ask if my life is "better".
If our existence is gauged by our circumstances alone, then damn the irony of having less than ideal circumstances when we go around telling others we're "fine" all the time.
Sometimes circumstances are so strong that's all we can see. We don't care to hear about anything else. We don't care to be fake.
When life is like this, we crave the freedom to be transparent. And we hunger for others to be transparent as well.
We want to express what is really and rawly in our heart. We don't want restrictions or codes or guidelines put on us at times like this.
Some of us will even steer clear of those who aren't transparent in times like this.
I've realized what some of the frustration from the past seven months has stemmed from. More on that later, in its own post.
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