This is one of the most beautiful things I have read.
It's beautiful in its simplicity.
It's beautiful in its non-glamour.
At its essence it is the Way.
And it does not surprise at all the Body is wrought with excusitis about doing what Jesus says his followers will do.
I wonder what most Churchians think the Way is.
"reading the Word"? "praying"? "worshipping the Lord"?
From what I'm seeing, a slew of people think these things are the Way.
The Way seems to largely (exclusively?) be about building ourselves up "in the faith".
Survey says?
This self-absorbing crock has got to go.
This story shouts reinforcement that churchianity is about gain, increase and attainment, while the Way is release, divestment and giving.
I think the gal who wrote this post about Haiti is overly conciliatory and gracious to excuse-making "Christians". Much more so than Jesus himself.
From what I'm unlearning (and learning anew) about Jesus, I think He scathes the sloughing of this lackadaisacal excusitis out of the mouth.
Not everyone is "led" to Haiti. Yet I see Jesus being more like this:
J: "okay, not to Haiti, fine. What are you doing?"
person: "um, I've been in the Word a lot more recently."
J: "uh huh."
person: "And I've been praying a lot more. You know, talking to Father. He's really been blessing me a lot. I've been telling Him how thankful I am."
J: "mm hmm."
person: "Worship has been so meaningful lately. I've really been experiencing God! It's been so awesome! He is so awesome!"
J: "yeah. What are you doing?"
person: "I'm growing in the Lord."
Do you think at this point Jesus'd just shake His head while saying "depart from Me"?
Think He'd light into them like He does the 'learned' God-people who claim to know God yet hem-haw about tangibly helping anyone?
Think He'd take their day-planner, which would show Him how 'busy' they are, and rip it in pieces?
Or would He just glance down at their day-planner for a few seconds, then look them in the eye for a few more, then walk away and say nothing?
Would He bend down and scribble something in the sand?
Something else?
There's no glamour in the beauty of the Haiti visit. There are no kudos from society (except for feel-good blurbs on the news if the trip was at Thanksgiving or Christmas).
I think about how many people in the city I live in go to church, and then on the heels of that wonder how many unvisited people are in hospitals and reclused in their homes today, tomorrow...
I wonder how many people in this city go to bed hungry each night.
Anyway, this story from Haiti is so beautiful.
Churchianity is so ugly.
And I don't think Jesus is resonantly quiet about it.
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