Some things just won't go away.
There is no shortage of rock-staresque preachers here and there. Some raising $20 million to fund a set of private jets (mission accomplished, by the way). Others soaking up the tv prestige of a "successful" ministry. (Ministry by whose standards?)
But wait, here comes a new Movement in the United States! It appears to be called Emergent, or the Emergent Church. People who have waxed tired and empty of traditional churchianity and all the dung of what is portrayed as the Way.
So what does one of the Emergents' more well-known guys do?
What else? He goes on a nationwide tour!
Going to the biggest cities with the brightest lights.
Charging $10 per head to come hear him talk.
He'll probably be introduced by popular Christians in each city's limelight: a local radio personality, a "big name" local preacher, etc.
When he's introduced the words will be full of praise and adoration and walk-on-water aura...about and for him.
They'll probably be selling t-shirts for $20 each. Long sleeve cotton tees will sell for $30.
The books he's written will be for sale.
• sigh •
The guy's got good things to say. Just why all this other stuff?
Some things just can't stop. I guess.
Even within this Emergent movement there is name-dropping, "in" people, etc.
"Have you read so-n-so's book?" "Did you hear so-n-so is going on tour?"
Is this just an American thing, that every group (even those who don't wish to be like other groups) thinks it must engage in this crap?
Societally-agnostic living.
Societally agnostic Following.
What a concept.
Would you be referring to Brian McLaren?
Anyway, I see it pretty similar to where you are. McLaren has some pretty cool things to say. In fact, I like how he's challenging the "status quo" of Churchianity. However! Being the dumb asses we are, we have to start a fan club, label everything, and have little cliques of those who think like us. Even some of the "Emergent" dialogue has it's own words that only those who seem to be "in" would understand.
I like what McLaren has to say, I just don't like how we have to start fan clubs.
no, it's not McLaren, it's another dude.
To hear of fan club stuff is retarded, but again it does not surprise.
I didn't even know who McL is/was til I just googled him.
After looking him up, it turns out I've read a small portion of one of his books.
I do all I can to not remember/ask/recall anyone's name, and do pretty well at it. The distaste for "in crowd" junk and name-dropping compels me that way.
Some of these dudes are saying some good stuff, but if all they are is a conduit for something God is saying, why herald them?
Do we enjoy the bottle our favorite beverage comes in, or do we relish the drink itself?
There's plenty of talk about God not being a respecter of people, and also that doing what we're to do isn't grounds for puffing up.
If these cats are hearing from God, why don't we simply thank Him for the message and digest it, instead of building pedastals among ourselves?
So what's the question?
why is the 'new' group just as hot and heavy into consumerism and promotion as the ones before them, who American society rolls their eyes at?
If this really is a new message that the Emergents are bringing to destale the Body, doing sh*t that the Body is doing has the possibility of being one step forward and two steps back.
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