Saturday, January 21, 2006

prosperity babble

No kidding here. The following is a series of posts from a Christian chat room I was in recently.

After puking up my lunch, I decided to engage this person after they finished spouting their ramble. Interesting how it turned out. I'll post the dialogue I had with them after posting their babble. Here is how they went off on their Prosperity frenzy in the chat:

"our households are blessed"
"our homes are blessed"
"our marriages are blessed"
"our finances are blessed"
"our businesses are blessed"
"our jobs are blessed"
"our children are blessed"
"our grandchildren are blessed"
"our parents are blessed"
"our siblings are blessed"
"our ministries are blessed"
"our decisions are blessed"
"husbands are on the way"
"wives are on the way"
"mortgages are paid and debts are cancelled"
"our hearts desires are on the way"
"according to our perfect will and plan for our lives"

Yeah, big oops. They seriously slipped in their last sentence.

Showed their true colors, that it's all about standing on and demanding what we want, and God is supposed to conform to what we want for our lives. (Whatever happened to "thy will be done" and "if it be possible, take this cup from me, yet not my will but Yours be done"?)

Anyway, I won't rip on that anymore this instant. Here's the dialogue I then engaged them in.

me: "Why all the talk about blessing?"

they: "because God wants us to be blessed"

they: "we are beginning to reclaim the promises of God that the Devil has stolen"

me: "as God's children we don't have to 'reclaim' anything. If we are His children we have His blessings. They were never lost."

they: "I'm reclaiming God's promise of a husband"

they: "God formed the family"

they: "the Word says 'My people perish for a lack of knowledge" (I didn't know if she said this as a dig toward me, or if it was just random babble)

me: the goal of Christianity is not to 'be blessed'

me: there is much more to the Christian life than being blessed

me: God's blessings are but one room of the much bigger mansion of God's Kingdom

me: we do not grow when everything is blessed. Our faith grows through trials (Romans 5:3-5)

That was it. This person started chatting with someone else and didn't come back to our dialogue.

I know better than to expect a full conversion of someone from the Prosperity Gospel to not. I was not looking to spar with them. My purpose was to get beneath the surface, to find out the foundation, the "why", behind their (in my opinion blind) belief in the Prosperity Gospel. I really wanted them to get at the root of the perspective.

More on this later.

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