Monday, July 31, 2006

the facade of fortune and blessing

"When the Lord shall restore the fortunes of His people, then Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad." (Psalm 14)

How many of us spend time and energy trying to artificially create and restore our own fortunes and the fortunes of other people?

How often is this veiled behind "encouragement" and other emotionally whored words?

How many among us are prophets?

Has God told us about the fortunes of others among us?

Would you care to elaborate on the vague and arbitrary term "things will get better"?

Sounds so wise, doesn't it? So comforting. So encouraging. So uplifting. So inspiring.

I can read that shit in a fortune cookie insert, or on an astrology website.

Or hear it in a sermon.


Society's Elite said...

Confucious say "Name-it-and-claim-it-faith is nothing but bullshit."

That's what was in my fortune cookie today at lunch. ;)

It's a real shame this BS gets attached to the name of Christ.

John Three Thirty said...

cool, dude!

Maybe we should start a crusade, a website or a non-profit agency that maintains a list of "safe, faith-based alternative" Chinese restaurants!

We would "be an encouragment" to the Body to "take a stand", by "helping others" give their integrity-earned, "blessed" incomes to "inspiring and uplifiting" businesses.

God, I am about to drown in my own puke from typing words like this...

Oh, wait a minute...that Chinese restaurant debunks name-it-claim-it.

That means they're NOT evangelical. Shit. Oh well, it was a rancid thought, anyway.

John Three Thirty said...

Speaking of 'safe, faith-based alternatives':

have you ever pondered that people who loudly support and/or flock to "safe, faith-based alternative" things have very weak faith?

They cram the churches on Sundays, appearing strong and integritous and bold about Jesus to people there.

Yet then they live in fear (called "concern") that they or their children might slip in their faith because of contact with the world, and they clutch to any "safe" thing they can find.

When we're dead to the world, why the fear ("concern") that we'll be contaminated by it?

When we're tight with the Man, there is an expanded freedom given to things he calls good.

It's liberating to know how UN-legalistic He is.

I wish this freedom upon anyone who would dare to let their paradigms and notions be shattered.

We don't fear things when we're dead because...we're dead.

John Three Thirty said...

Some friends and I have discussed recently that the word "Christian" should be removed from anything and everything.

A rock star said recently he thinks God likes rock 'n roll more than Christian music because rock's lyrics are more real about life.

Funny how not many among us will "get" that statement. Or do anything about it.

We'll just keep living life looking through our rose-colored, stained-glass glasses, and excusing our unrelatability to the world as "persecution".

To the rock guy's comments, Churchians will probably start clinging more fervently to happy-clappy Christian songs, "taking a stand" and proclaiming "we will NOT be moved".

While society cotinues to go to hell...

Society's Elite said...

"We don't fear things when we're dead because...we're dead. "

I love that. That line hit me hard. Dead man have nothing to lose. Dead men don't play it "safe". But if you find a dead man who's been given the breath of Life, watch out. That's a dangerous man.

"If the Son sets you free, then you are free INDEED.."

John Three Thirty said...

to add is to subtract