Sunday, July 30, 2006

today's thought

Too many people, I think, throw pearls before pigs.

So much trampling.

So much pain.

So much bludgeoning.

So unnecessary.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have experienced much of this in my life. I share with someone something incredible that God has said or shown me and I get a smile and a nod. Now, of course, I expect this if I tell a non believer, but I have also had this sameexperience when I share with someone who is intimate with Jesus After years of sharing my intimate God moments with others and feeling deflated, I have finally learned that my relationship with God is sacred, intimate and private. No one else can understand it. I liken it to trying to explain my intimacy with my husband to someone. It just can not be explained. It even seems to cheapen it to share it. I really think God desires to have an intimacy like that with each of us. So deep, so personal, so intimate, that we almost blush when we think of sharing it.