Sunday, May 07, 2006

can you lend me three quarters, please? I need God.

Christianity as it is largely being taught in America is a lie.

The premise of this teaching is that the Way is to be an infinite, uninterrupted success of mountaintop experience upon mountaintop experience upon mountaintop experience.

Peak to peak to peak. This is what Christianity is supposed to be, according to many.

When I gathered with some friends recently, the topic got brought up about not being animately enthused about the things of God.

There was lament expressed by several about there being no God-induced fireworks in life at the moment. Rather, honest enthusiasms mentioned were various sports and tv shows.

As this was shared, I got angry inside. The fact that there is guilt or "what's wrong with me" thinking because our pursuit of the Way is not worthy of being on the cover of Contemporary Christian magazine is a crock of dung.

And yet this is what American Christiandom generally portrays.

Our Christian life is to be packed every waking second with a Red Sea parting taking place, or having just taken place, or about to take place.

According to widespread teaching, a huge miracle is unquestionably just around the bend if we will "sow a financial seed into the Kingdom" (Christianese for "give money to a ministry").

Yes, folks, God is a slot machine. Put money in and here comes the return.

And, of course, since He's a loving God a big payback is guaranteed with every pull.

Didn't you know this is how God operates?

And the way the common teaching goes, this same principle about God and money is likewise true for prayer and Bible reading.

Do what we're "supposed to do to grow" as a Christian, commonly reduced to "read the Word and pray", and by God (literally) we can just get ready to be swept off our feet with unspeakable blessings that God is going to pour into our lives.

What ran through this recent gathering was confusion over why the Christian life is not the win-every-pull slot machine it is portrayed to be.

The Body is being sold a bill of goods that is a lie.

And it's being taught by the people at the helm.

This is not saying the Lord can't or wouldn't want to be in on every part of our day and life. My experience is He desires to be. He can warm the mundane and soften the bitter.

The bullshit flag is being waved here at the idea that God is exclusively about hype, fireworks and jaw-dropping fanfare in every single thing in life, 24/7...which seems to be an extremely popular current theme of teaching by leaders and adherence by Followers.

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