Tuesday, May 16, 2006

more entertainment glitz

Ran across a brochure for a Christian conference for Summer 2006.

Here are some direct quotes from the brochure, which tie into the entertainment and production vein of 21st century Christiandom in America:

"You'll love our select locations and popular guests...and many more top Christian speakers and musicians!"

"As the founder of (___) Ministries and its thriving radio ministry, (So-n-So) has become one of the most prominent Bible teachers in the world."

"Best known for his record-setting book, (___), (so-n-so) has spoken around the world. He has been featured on numerous TV shows and has become a household name."

(in the description of worship leaders at the Conference):

"(So-n-So) is the former lead vocalist for the award-winning group, (___). His incredible voice and presence inspires us in God's name."

"(So-n-So) is the Minister of Music for the 5,400 member Blah Church of Blah."

(in the description of Conference special events):

"XYZ is a stunning musical recreation of the life of Christ told in epic proportion. Featuring an enormous cast of actors, singers, dancers, technicians and live animals, you will be awed by the magnificence of this performance."

"(describing event ABC) This perennial favorite show is a fun-filled, action-packed extravaganza! In addition to special effects and amazing stunts..."

Here's a subtle one, describing the Conference in general:

"These conferences are specially planned for your enjoyment. Some of the most prominent and well-respected artists have been invited for your spiritual fulfillment."

I'm sure this Conference will stir some folks, and that's fantastic. The point here is the overt (and subtle) reference to prominence, eclecticism, and the position of man, not God, causing the spiritual experience.

There's a strong vein of promoting man that I don't see in Jesus' example to the Body.

I keep reading of Jesus' resistance to be made prominent. He slipped through the crowd when they tried to herald Him. He flat out refused an altar be built when some disciples wanted to build a shrine at the place of a supernatural occurrence. Jesus withdrew when they wanted to make him a king of earthly significance.

This exaltation of man is a different tune than what the Bible indicates.

For some reason I keep reading it's God's pleasure and Jesus and the Holy Ghost who draw mankind.

(The picture associated with this post is not from the brochure. It is simply a typical marketing hype picture, where everyone and everything in the image is portrayed as bliss. Can definitely vouch, though, that the pics in the brochure are not far removed from this pic.)

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